- Nam, C.S., Song, D., & Jung. H (Eds.) (2024). Human-centered metaverse: Concepts, methods, and applications. Elsevier.
- Song, D. (2024). How learners’ trust changes in generative AI over a semester of undergraduate courses. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education.
- Song, D. (2024). Artificial intelligence for human learning: A review of machine learning techniques used in education research and a suggestion of a learning design model. American Journal of Education and Learning.
- Song, D., & Glazewski, K. (2023). Scaffolding self-regulated learning in student-generated questioning using mobile phones. Education and Information Technologies.
- Song, D., Shin, Y., & Hong, H. (2022). Learning Analytics as an integrated approach in mixed methods research. In J. Hitchcock & A. Onwuegbuzie (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook for Advancing Integration in Mixed Methods Research (pp. 288-300). Routledge.
- Song, D., Oh, E., & Hong, H. (2022). The impact of teaching simulation computing with a conversational virtual agent with different attitudes on preservice teachers’ efficacy. Educational Technology & Society.
- Fennelly-Atkinson, R., LaPrairie, K. N., & Song, D. (2022). Identifying accessibility factors affecting learner inclusion in online university programs. Distance Education.
- Shin, Y., & Song, D. (2022). The effects of self-regulated learning support on learners’ task performance and cognitive load in computer programing. Journal of Educational Computing Research.
- Song, D., Hong, H., & Oh, E. (2021). Applying computational analysis of novice learners’ computer programming patterns to reveal self-regulated learning, computational thinking, and learning performance. Computers in Human Behavior.
- Oh, E., & Song, D. (2021). Developmental research on an interactive application for language speaking practice using speech recognition technology. Educational Technology Research and Development.
- Kim, D., Jo, I, Song, D., Zheng, H., Li, J., Zhu, J., Huang, X, Yan, W., & Xu, Z. (2021). Self-regulated learning strategies and student video engagement trajectory in a video-based asynchronous online course: a Bayesian latent growth modeling approach. Asia Pacific Education Review.
- Song, D., & Kim, D. (2020). Effects of self-regulation scaffolding on online participation and learning outcome. Journal of Research on Technology in Education.
- Cho, E., Cho, Y., Grant, M., Song, D., & Huh, Y. (2020). Trends and issues of educational technology in Korea and the U.S.: A report on the AECT – Korean Society for Educational Technology (KSET) panel discussion. TechTrends.
- Song, D., Rice, M., & Oh, E. (2019). Participation in online courses and interaction with a virtual agent. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning.
- Shin, Y., Kim, D., & Song, D. (2019). Types and timing of scaffolding to promote meaningful peer interaction and increase learning performance in computer-supported collaborative learning environments. Journal of Educational Computing Research.
- Oh, E., Song, D., & Hong, H. (2019). Interactive computing technology in anti-bullying education: The effects of conversation-bot’s role on K-12 students’ attitude change towards bullying problems. Journal of Educational Computing Research.
- Song, D. (2018). Learning Analytics as an educational research approach. International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches.
- Song, D., Oh, E., & Glazewski, K. (2017). Student-generated questioning activity in second language courses using a customized personal response system: A case study. Educational Technology Research and Development.
- Song, D. (2017). Designing a teachable agent system for mathematics learning. Contemporary Educational Technology.
- Song, D., & Oh, E. (2017). The effects of retrieval with different cues on second language vocabulary learning. The Journal of Language Teaching and Learning.
- Kwon, K., Song, D., & Khikmatillaeva, U. (2017). Different types of collaborative problem-solving processes in an online environment: Solution oriented versus problem oriented. Journal of Educational Computing Research.
- Song, D. (2016). Student-generated questioning and quality questions: A literature review. Research Journal of Educational Studies and Review.
- Song, D., & Bonk, C. (2016). Motivational factors in self-directed informal learning from online learning resources. Cogent Education.
- Song, D., & Oh, E. (2016). A participatory design approach for a mobile app-based personal response system. Journal of Educational Technology Systems.
- Song, D., Karimi, A., & Kim, P. (2016). A Remotely Operated Science Experiment framework for under-resourced schools. Interactive Learning Environments.
- Song, D. (2016). Expertise reversal effect and sequencing of learning tasks in online English as a second language learning environment. Interactive Learning Environments.
- Kim, P., Suh, E., & Song, D. (2015). Development of a design-based learning curriculum through design-based research for a technology-enabled science classroom. Educational Technology Research and Development.
- Song, D., & Kim, P. (2015). A mobile science laboratory with Remotely Operated Science Experiment (ROSE). In H. Crompton & J. Traxler (Eds.), Mobile learning and STEM: Case studies in practice.
- Song, D., & Kim, P. (2015). Inquiry-based mobilized math classroom with SMILE. In H. Crompton & J. Traxler (Eds.), Mobile Learning and Mathematics.
- Song, D., & Lee, J. (2014). Has Web 2.0 revitalized informal learning? The relationship between Web 2.0 and informal learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.
- Song, D. (2014). A framework for mobile learning app design: DCALE. In C. Miller & A. Doering (Eds.), The New Landscape of Mobile Learning: Redesigning Education in an App-based World.
- Song, D. & Oh, E. (2011). Learning styles based on the different cultural background of KFL learners in online learning. Multimedia-Assisted Language Learning.
Keynote, Plenary, Invited Talks
- (2024, November). Learning and performance improvement with AI. Guest Lecture, EHRD 601, Training and Development in Human Resource Development, Texas A&M University. College Station, Texas.
- (2024, August). Emerging technologies in human learning/performance research. Invited Seminar Presentation at the Graduate Student Organization Meeting, Seoul National University. Seoul, South Korea.
- (2024, July). Human – non-human interaction: Toward human – AI collaboration. Invited Forum Speaker at the 2024 AIEDAP (AI Education Alliance & Policy Lab) & CIFE (Center for Innovation of Future Education) Joint Academic Forum, Seoul National University. Seoul, South Korea.
- (2024, June). How AI is improving education. Invited Talk (for Faculty Development) at Sungshin Women’s University. Seoul, South Korea.
- (2024, May). Innovative AI solutions for higher education: Effective and practical approaches. Invited Talk (for Faculty Development) at Dongseo University. Pusan, South Korea.
- (2024, May). AI in education: Current applications & future prospects for human-AI collaboration. Keynote Speech at the Summit on Artificial Intelligence Applications in Education across the Globe, Education & Change Association, Gebze Technical University, Türkiye.
- (2023, March). Learning design with AI. Guest Lecture, Training and Development in Human Resource Development, Texas A&M University. College Station, Texas.
- (2023, January). The present and future of education: Innovation with AI and the metaverse. Plenary Talk at the Education Korea 2023 ( COEX, Seoul, South Korea.
- (2023, January). AI technology-supported higher education. Invited Talk (Faculty Development) at Silla University. Pusan, South Korea.
- (2022, December). Innovation in Higher Education: AI & Metaverse. Keynote Speech at the 2022 On Live Class: Future Class Forum. Pusan University, South Korea.
- (2022, December). Preparing K-12 Educators for AI. Invited Panelist at the 2022 Empowering Learners for the Age of AI. Global Research Alliance for AI in Learning and Education.
(2022, October). Analyzing educational big data focusing on undergraduate students’ behavior in a learning management system. Invited Speaker at the 22nd International Conference on Education Research (ICER). Seoul, South Korea.
(2022, October). Utilizing AI for future higher education. Special Lecture at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. Seoul, South Korea.
(2022, October). AI for educators & AI educators. Invited Workshop at Sungkyunkwan University. Seoul, South Korea.
(2022, August). AI is infiltrating and growing in higher education. Plenary Talk at the Annual Meeting of the Korean Association Center of Teaching and Learning. Jeju University, Jeju, South Korea.
(2022, June). Are you following trends around educational technology research fields? How/Why Do You Write Research Papers?. Seminar Presentation at Seoul National University. Seoul, South Korea.
(2022, May). AI engineering for human performance and learning analytics. Guest Lecture at Ewha Womans University. Seoul, South Korea.
(2021, October). Differentiating computer programming performance into knowledge and skills focusing on computational thinking and self-regulated learning. Invited Speaker at the 21st International Conference on Education Research (ICER). Seoul, South Korea.
(2021, October). Learning design in the AI Era. Guest Lecture at Hanyang University. Seoul, South Korea.
(2021, June). AI for human learning. What are you going to do?. Seminar Presentation at Sogang University. Seoul, South Korea.
(2021, February). AI in Ed Tech. Will you be the master or a puppet?. Seminar Presentation at Hanyang University. Seoul, South Korea.
(2021, February). AI for human learning. Winter is coming: Are you prepared?. Seminar Presentation at Seoul National University. Seoul, South Korea.
- (2020, July). Interviewed for Online EdD Programs. Instructional Systems Design and Technology at Sam Houston State University. Online EdD Programs.
- (2019, October). AI for learning sciences research. KSET (Korean Society for Educational Technology): Trends and Issues of Educational Technology. Invited Presenter at the Annual Meeting of the 2019 Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International Convention. Las Vegas, Nevada.
- (2019, August). Hosted a Webinar. Introduction to the Wide World of the Mixed Methods International Research Association (MMIRA).
- (2019, August). Teaching with technology. Invited Panelist at the 2019 Teaching & Learning Conference. Sam Houston State University. Huntsville, Texas.
- (2019, April). Interviewed for the Chosun Ilbo (South Korea). Are you ready for online classrooms as digital learning is prevalent?.
- (2017, July). LMS as a platform, EduTech as a player. Seminar Presentation at the meeting of Education Research Institute at Seoul National University. Seoul, South Korea.
- (2016, July). Future direction of MOOCs platforms & Learning Management Systems (LMS). Seminar Presentation at the meeting of Smart Education Project sponsored by Samsung and Seoul National University. Seoul, South Korea.
Awards, Honors, & Recognitions
Excellence in Research Award. Sam Houston State University. 2022.
Reviewer Excellence Award. Educational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D). 2021. [SSCI-indexed journal; 5-Year Impact Factor: 4.500]
The Best Paper – R.W. Buddy Burniske Award. International Division, Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). 2021.
Reviewer Excellence Award. Educational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D). 2020.
Reviewer Excellence Award. Educational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D). 2019.
Reviewer Excellence Award. Educational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D). 2018.
Young Researcher Award. Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). 2017. [This Award is presented for the best-unpublished investigation reporting on a quantitative or qualitative study addressing a question related to educational technology written by an individual who received the degree no more than five years prior to the submission due date.]
- International Services Award. Office of International Services, Indiana University. 2012.
Conference Proceedings, Presentations, Workshops
- Song, D. (2024, July). Development of a knowledge visualization system to improve learners’ writing skills. Presented at the 24th International Conference on Education Research (ICER). Seoul, South Korea.
- *Castro, B., *Chiu, J., *Ballard, I., Olaiya, K., Song, D., Nelson, K., Zarutskie, P., & Zhao, Y. (2024, March). Exploration of utilizing artificial intelligence for medical students communication skills learning. Presented at the 12th Annual Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA) Southwest Regional Conference Research Symposium. Houston, Texas.
- Lippert, A., & Song, D. (2023, November). Combining knowledge visualization and intelligent tutoring to support learning in STEM education: The development of KVIS (Knowledge Visualization Intelligent System). Presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Computation in Psychology. San Francisco, California.
- Song, D. (2023, October). Learners’ trust in AI-powered technology and learning performance. Presented at the 23rd International Conference on Education Research (ICER). Seoul, South Korea.
- *Chiu, J., *Castro, B., *Ballard, I., Song D., Olaiya, K., & Zhao, Y. (2023, September). Evaluate perceived learning and confidence levels in delivering difficult news using artificial intelligence-based activity [Poster Presentation]. Annual Student Research Day, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Sam Houston State University. Huntsville, Texas.
- Song, D., Oh, E., & Hong, H. (2022, October). Scaffolding computer programming learners’ self-regulated learning in problem-solving. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the 2022 Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International Convention.
- Song, D., & Shin, Y. (2022, April). Scaffolding computer programming learners’ self-regulated learning in problem-solving. Presented at the 2022 AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting. San Diego, California.
- *Fennelly-Atkinson, R., LaPrairie, K., & Song, D. (2022, April). Online university programs and accessibility relationships. Presented at the 2022 AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting. San Diego, California. *student co-author
- *Bui, N., & Song, D. (2021, November). Predicting at-risk learners with explainable AI. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the 2021 Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International Convention. Chicago, Illinois, and Virtual. *student co-author
- Song, D. (2021, September). Initial Findings: Educational Big Data Analysis of Student Behaviors in a Learning Management System. Presented at the Digital Education Summit 2021, Sam Houston State University. Huntsville, Texas.
Song, D., Oh, E., & Hong, H. (2020, November). The use of AI conversational systems for preservice teachers’ teaching simulation. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the 2020 Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International Convention. Virtual.
*Bui, N., *Collier, J., *Guled, A., & Song, D. (2020, November). The effects of conversational agents on human learning. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the 2020 Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International Convention. Virtual. *student co-author
*Willis, J., *Nicksic, K., & Song, D. (2020, November). School districts’ Tweet content patterns related to technology and school performance. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the 2020 Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International Convention. Virtual. *student co-author
Song, D., & Oh., E. (2020, April). Self-regulation scaffolding for online learners through a conversational virtual agent. [Paper session]. The 2020 AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California. (Conference canceled)
Song, D. (2020, March). AI agent-based scaffolding for online learners’ self-regulation. [Paper session]. The 2020 SREE (Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness) Conference, Crystal City, Virginia. (Conference canceled)
- Oh. E., & Song, D. (2019, October). Developing a second language speaking practice tool using voice recognition technology. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the 2019 Association for Education Communications and Technology (AECT) International Convention. Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Song, D. (2019, January). The effects of using a chatbot system for pre-service teachers’ teaching practice. Presented at the 2019 Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Song, D., Oh, E., & Hong, H. (2018, October). K-12 anti-bullying program with conversational agents: Possibilities and challenges. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the 2018 Association for Education Communications and Technology (AECT) International Convention. Kansas City, Missouri.
- Song, D. (2018, January). Student interaction in a learning management system and a conversational agent system. Presented at the Digital Education Summit 2018, Sam Houston State University. Huntsville, Texas.
- Song, D., Oh, E., & Hong, H. (2018, January). Learner participation in online graduate courses: System access and discussion quantity/quality. Presented at the 2018 International Conference on Technology in Education. Orlando, Florida.
- Song, D., & Rice, M. (2017, November). A potential use of a conversational agent in online courses: Focusing on learning by teaching. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the 2017 AECT (Association for Education Communications and Technology) International Convention. Jacksonville, Florida.
- Song, D., Oh, E., & Rice, M. (2017). Interacting with a conversational agent system for educational purposes in online courses. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI) (pp. 78-82). Ulsan, South Korea.
- Song, D., & Rice, M. (2017, March). Developing an intelligent agent for learning by teaching in online courses. Presented at the 2017 International Conference on Education. San Diego, California.
- Song, D. (2017, March). A conversational agent for more interactions through learning-by-teaching in online courses. Presented at the Digital Education Summit 2017, Sam Houston State University. Huntsville, Texas.
- Song, D., & Kim, P. (2016, October). Collaborative music classroom with mobile apps. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the 2016 AECT (Association for Education Communications and Technology) International Convention. Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Song, D., & Oh, E. (2016, July). Learning analysis of online courses in social sciences. Presented at the 2016 Annual Symposium on Management and Social Sciences. Seoul, South Korea.
- Song, D. (2016, March). Case study: Student analysis using Blackboard’s Course Reports. Presented at the 5th Annual SHSU (Sam Houston State University) Online Teaching & Learning Conference. Huntsville, Texas.
- Song, D., Oh, E., & Lim, C. (2015, November). The impact of retrieval on second language learning. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the 2015 AECT (Association for Education Communications and Technology) International Convention. Indianapolis, Indiana.
- Song, D., & Glazewski, K. (2015, April). Student-generated questioning in language education. Presented at the 2015 AERA (American Educational Research Association) Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois.
- Song, D., Kim, J., & Kim, P. (2014, November). Mobile language learning opportunity for children in Tanzania. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the 2014 AECT (Association for Education Communications and Technology) International Convention. Jacksonville, Florida.
- Song, D. (2013, March). Universally compatible clicker system (Co:lor): Web + Mobile App. Project and design showcase at the 2013 IST (Instructional Systems Technology) conference. Bloomington, Indiana.
- Song, D., Bonk, C. J., & Whiting, J. (2012, November). Motivational and self-regulated learning factors of informal and extreme learning. Presentation at the third annual virtual Global Education Conference.
- Song, D., Kim, P., & Karimi, A. (2012). Inquiry-based learning environment using mobile devices in math classroom. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the 2012 AECT (Association for Education Communications and Technology) International Convention (pp. 386-392). Louisville, Kentucky.
- Song, D., Levine, P., & Kim, N. (2012, October). SMILE (Stanford Mobile Inquiry-based Learning Environment) workshop for student-centered mobile learning experience. Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the 2016 AECT (Association for Education Communications and Technology) International Convention. Louisville, Kentucky.
- Kim, P., Kim, N., Song, D. (2012, September). Stanford Mobile Inquiry-based Learning Environment (SMILE) for the Seeds of Empowerment. Workshop presented at the 2nd International mEducation Alliance Symposium, Washington D.C.
- Song, D. & Lee, J. (2012, March). Has Web 2.0 revitalized informal learning?: Correlation between Web 2.0 level and extreme learning. Research paper session at the 2012 IST conference. Bloomington, Indiana.
- Whiting, J., Altuwaijri, A., Jung, E., Kim, M., Kim, S., Shin, S., Song, D., Tan, V., Xu, S., Min, M., Wang, T., & Bonk, C. (2012, March). What’s all this talk about extreme learning?: A discussion with the extreme learning team. Roundtable session at the 2012 IST (Instructional Systems) conference. Bloomington, Indiana.
- Song, D., Karimi, A., & Kim, P. (2011). Toward designing mobile games for visually challenged children. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on e-Education, Entertainment and e-Management (pp. 234-238). Bali, Indonesia.
Design & Development
- Consulted on the project. Design and implementation of an ‘open science’-based online citizen science learning platform. Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), Daejeon, South Korea. October 2019.
- A Conversational Agent for More Interactions through Learning-by-Teaching in Online Courses
- EnMIA – Voice-based Activity System
- EnClicker – Clicker for Your Classroom
- Swahili Phonics Game
- HPT (Human Performance Technology) Demonstration
- Mobile Task-based Language Learning (MTBL)
- Giving Feedback Strategies for Associate Instructors
- Skewer in Seoul: Measurement of Blind Children’s Executive Function Using Mobile Learning Games
- Teachable Agent: Learning by Teaching Math, Eins
- Preview: Learning Analytics in Mixed Methods Research
- Research Critique: Exploring the uses of mobile phones to support informal learning
- Cognitive Load Theory: Assumptions, Types, and Applications
- Training Evaluation: Noe and Holton
- Attention in Cognitive Science