Plenary Talk at the Education Korea 2023
1/12/2023. Donggil Song Got invited to deliver the plenary talk at the Education Korea 2023 (, COEX, Seoul, South Korea. Title: Innovation with AI and the metaverse.
1/12/2023. Donggil Song Got invited to deliver the plenary talk at the Education Korea 2023 (, COEX, Seoul, South Korea. Title: Innovation with AI and the metaverse.
1/17/2023. Donggil Song Thankfully, I had an opportunity to deliver an invited talk to the faculty members at Silla University, Pusan, South Korea. Title: AI technology-supported higher education.
October 20. 2022 Dr. Donggil Song – Invited Speaker at the 22nd International Conference on Education Research (ICER). Seoul, South Korea. Title: Analyzing educational big data focusing on undergraduate students’… Read More »Invited Speaker at the 22nd ICER
“AI is Infiltrating and Growing in Higher Education”A plenary talk at the Annual Meeting of the Korean Association Center of Teaching and Learning. Wish I could be in-person with them.… Read More »Plenary Talk at the Korean Association Center of Teaching and Learning
6/28/2022. Donggil Song I’m pleased to give an invited talk to the educational technology graduate students/faculty at Seoul National University, my alma mater. Title: Are you following trends around educational… Read More »Invited Talk (Ed Tech Research) at Seoul National University
May 23, 2022. Donggil Song. I was invited for guest lecture at Ewha Womans University. Seoul, South Korea. Title: AI engineering for human performance and learning analytics.